Pulse Junior - Lifesaving Program

This program extends on participants’ lifesaving knowledge and skills in a hands-on, scenario-based learning environment. It is targeted at our Youth Members aged from 13-17 who have just got their first Patrolling Awards; Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) and/ or Bronze Medallion (BM).

In 2024 PULSE Junior was run at Alexandra Headland SLSC on Wednesday the 13th of December. A comprehensive day of learning led by some of our organization's most esteemed experts, followed by the practical application of those teachings in a series of real-world scenarios. Over 40 participants from across the Branch embracing the program, determined to further enhance their lifesaving skills.

Members had the opportunity to learn new skills and refresh old ones, immediately putting them to the test as they delved into two scenarios within mere hours of the program starting. Completing multiple rescues in a challenging rip and swell, participants were tasked with a mass rescue dealing with multiple patients. As a patrol team, they had to deal with the situation and respond accordingly. This was incredible to watch as the majority of the participants on this program ranged form ages 13-15, pushing them outside of their comfort zone and asking well and truly above what they would normally be tasked with at their clubs when they are on patrol as a junior member. They delegated a Patrol Captain – in charge of triaging, communicating with SURFCOM, and overall scene management; First Aid Officers – in charge of administering First Aid to patients; Rescuers – both Board and Tube rescuers to complete the actual rescue of our patients at sea, as well as transfer to the rest of the patrol and then Patrol members – tasked with helping their patrol in the treatment and management of the patients.

Programs like PULSE Junior are vital towards preparing our Junior Members for life in the ‘red & yellow’. One participant had just completed PULSE Junior when two weeks later he found himself on his first ever patrol. At 13 years of age and in the ‘red & yellow’ for the first time he found himself in the club’s lookout tower learning with a few other members when the patrol captain noticed multiple people in trouble just outside the flags. Noticing that all his patrol members where now dealing with this rescue, there was now no one watching between the flags where there was still 150 people swimming. The member, thinking quickly, set off the evacuation siren to get everyone out of the water until his patrol team could return to watching the flags. A massive call for such a young member! He was praised for his quick thinking and ability to stay cool under immense pressure, when asked how he knew to evacuate the beach he simply stated, “that’s what they taught us at PULSE”.

We express our profound gratitude to Perform 360 for their generous donations, without which running programs like this would not be feasible.